York S1-010-04621-000 Compressor Blanket
S1-010-04621-000 is identical to 010-04621-000
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What purpose does this blanket serve?
Some customers use it to reduce compressor noise.
What are the dimensions
Hi, What are the dimensions on this compressor blanket?
Here is the info from our vendor: https://www.johnstonesupply.com/storefront/product-view.ep?pID=B82-079
It's reference only. -
Hello again, Jim Bailey, I just sent you a message about this cover. My York AC system's Model # is as follows: YCS60B21S. Will this fit my AC unit? Can you give me the dimensions for this - Height, Width, and the other Width, 3 measurements. Thank You
I just have a parts breakdown on the unit. I don’t see that accessory on the breakdown. I don’t have measurements on the unit. They typically have Velcro straps to hold them down. I don’t know what this is made of, probably a vinyl-like plastic with insulation material.